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Diane Van Dyk Co.

Live Starter/plug Rooted CORKSCREW RUSH Juncus Effusus Spiralis

Live Starter/plug Rooted CORKSCREW RUSH Juncus Effusus Spiralis

Regular price $8.50 USD
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1 Live Starter/plug Rooted CORKSCREW RUSH Juncus Effusus 

Juncus Effusus Spiralis, known as Juncus effusus spiralis or Corkscrew Rush, is a perennial ornamental grass native to North America. This non-patented variety offers unique curly green stems with a clumping habit 12-18" tall and wide and yellowish flowers in late summer. Flourishing in full or partial sun and wet conditions, this plant is evergreen in zone 5-9. Bring texture and visual interest to water gardens, ponds, and wet landscape beds and borders. For a more traditional ornamental grass, try growing Juncus Colorgrass Blue Dart. Our seedling plugs arrive ready to transplant into your final container. 


Juncus Effusus Spiralis Tips

Juncus Effusus Spiralis to customers looking for color contrast or foliage to add to a mixed container or landscape border. This unique variety offers spiral green foliage on an upright habit 12-14" tall. Twister is a dramatic addition to patio pots and mixed landscape beds, bringing evergreen color to the garden in zones 5-9. Create a visually striking display of color and texture by pairing Juncus Effusus Spiralis with Lobelia, Heuchera, Sedum, Ajuga, Sempervivum, Marsh Marigold, Astilbe, and Hostas.






1. Space plants 10-12" apart in well-drained soil in full or partial sun.


2. Water occasionally or more in dry weather.


3. In climates colder than zone 5, remove plants after frost or overwinter containers in a protected area. 


PLEASE these are STARTER plants, remove its protective root wrapper , plant in a pot with potting soil and give time for it to grow and adjust to your area , then transplant outside

Guarantee live arrival , any problems send pictures, i offer replacements only

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